Korea University College of Political Science and Economics

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Special Graduate School

Special Graduate School
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Graduate School of Policy Studies 02-3290-1381 Homepage Shortcuts
Our graduate school started as the first Korean special graduate school for policy study in 1986 and has implemented and managed master’s degree and advanced programs (advanced policy program).

The master’s degree program includes the departments of International Relations, Asian Pacific Studies, Municipal and Local Administration, Economic Policy, Data Statistics, Public Security Administration, Tax and Finance, Social Security, and Human Settlement Economics.

Our faculty, consisting of professors who are authoritative in the fields of social science, concentrate on research and education to contribute to academic development and to provide ideal policy education by connecting cutting edge analytical technique for policy and appropriate policy implementation to immediate situations in Korea.

Based on its pride in being the first policy research and education institute in Korea, the Special Graduate School aims at becoming the world’s best graduate school in the near future.